
Vindrola F. and Crupi V.

Bayesians too should follow Wason: A comprehensive accuracy-based analysis of the selection task

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 75 (2024): 347-373


Raidl E., Iacona A., and Crupi V.

An axiomatic system for concessive conditionals

Studia Logica, 112 (2024): 343-363


Crupi V. and Calzavarini F.

Critique of pure Bayesian cognitive science: A view from the philosophy of science

European Journal of Philosophy of Science, 13 (2023): 28


Crupi V. and Iacona A.

Outline of a theory of reasons

Philosophical Quarterly, 73 (2023): 117-142


Crupi V., Calderisi M., Pighin S., and Tentori K.

Probabilità pandemiche: tre pezzi non troppo facili

Sistemi Intelligenti, 34 (2022): 329-341


F. Elia, F. Calzavarini, P. Bianco, R.G. Vecchietti, A.F. Macor, A. D’Orazio, A. Dragonetti, A. D’Alfonso, L. Belletrutti, M. Floris, F. Bert, V. Crupi, and F. Aprà

A nudge intervention to improve hand hygiene compliance in the hospital

Internal and Emergency Medicine, 17 (2022): 1899-1905


Crupi V. and Iacona A.

On the logical form of concessive conditionals

Journal of Philosophical Logic, 51 (2022): 633-651


Nelson J.D., Rosenauer C., Crupi V., Tentori K., and Meder B.

The likelihood difference heuristic and binary test selection given situation-specific utilities

Decision, 9 (2022): 285-319


Cevolani G. and Crupi V.

Truth, probability, and evidence in judicial reasoning: The case of the conjunction fallacy

In P. Bystranowski, B. Janik, and M. Próchnicki (eds.), Judicial Decision-Making, Springer, 2022 (pp. 105-121)


Crupi V. and Iacona A.

Three ways of being non-material

Studia Logica, 110 (2022): 47-93


Meder B., Crupi V., and Nelson J.D.

What makes a good query?

In I. Cogliati Dezza, E. Schulz, and C.M. Wu (eds.), The Drive for Knowledge: The Science of Human Information-Seeking, Cambridge University Press, 2022 (pp. 101-123)


Raidl E., Crupi V., and Iacona A.

The logic of the evidential conditional

Review of Symbolic Logic, 15 (2022): 758-770


Crupi V. and Iacona A.

The evidential conditional

Erkenntnis, 87 (2022): 2897-2921


Crupi V. and Iacona A.

Probability, evidential support, and the logic of conditionals

Argumenta, 6 (2021): 211-222


Calzavarini F., Elia F., Aprà F., and Crupi V.

Decisioni, euristiche e spinte gentili in ambito sanitario: il caso del lavaggio mani

Sistemi Intelligenti, 33 (2021): 73-88


Elia F., Vallelonga F., and Crupi V.

Understanding and improving decisions in clinical medicine (V): Jekyll and Hyde, the two faces of clinical reasoning

Internal and Emergency Medicine, 15 (2020): 1317-1318


Crupi V.

Knowledge, cognition, and science communication

In V. Guarneri (ed.), Picturing the Communication of Science, Torino, 2020 (pp. 47-60)


Crupi V.

R. Carnap, La costruzione logica del mondo

In  G. Bonino, C. Gabbani, and P. Tripodi (eds.) Biblioteca analitica: I testi fondamentali. Carocci, Roma, 2020 (pp. 79-89)


Crupi V.

Measures of biological diversity: Overview and unified framework

In E. Casetta, J. Marques da Silva, and D. Vecchi (eds.), From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity, Springer, 2019 (pp. 123-136)


Colombo M., Lai J., and Crupi V.

Sleeping Beauty goes to the lab: The psychology of self-locating evidence

Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 10 (2019): 173-185


Crupi V.

Cognizione, conoscenza e comunicazione della scienza

In V. Guarneri (ed.), Picturing the Communication of Science, Torino, 2019 (pp. 47-60)


Crupi V., Elia F., Aprà F., and Tentori K.

Double conjunction fallacies in physicians’ probability judgment

Medical Decision Making, 38 (2018): 756-760


Tentori K., Pighin S., Divan C., and Crupi V. (2018)

Mind the gap: Physicians’ assessment of patients’ importance weights in localized prostate cancer

PLoS ONE, 13 (7) (2018): e0200780


Elia F. Panero F., Crupi V., and Aprà F.

Drama of medical dramas (Letter)

Postgraduate Medical Journal, 94 (2018): 477


Crupi V.,  Nelson J.D., Meder B., Cevolani G., and Tentori K.

Generalized information theory meets human cognition: Introducing a unified framework to model uncertainty and information search

Cognitive Science, 42 (2018): 1410-1456


Crupi V., Calzavarini F., Elia F., and Aprà F.

Understanding and improving decisions in clinical medicine (IV): Prospects and challenges of nudging in healthcare

Internal and Emergency Medicine, 13 (2018): 791-793


Crupi V., Elia F., and Aprà F.

Understanding and improving decisions in clinical medicine (III): Towards cognitively informed clinical thinking

Internal and Emergency Medicine, 13 (2018): 449-451


Elia F., Aprà F., and Crupi V.

Understanding and improving decisions in clinical medicine (II): Making sense of reasoning in practice

Internal and Emergency Medicine, 13 (2018): 287-289


Elia F., Covella M., Perna M., Aprà F., and Crupi V.

The clinical eye

Internal and Emergency Medicine, 13 (2018): 213-217


Crupi V. and Elia F.

Understanding and improving decisions in clinical medicine (I): Reasoning, heuristics, and error

Internal and Emergency Medicine, 12 (2017): 689-691


Nelson J.D., Crupi V., Meder B., Cevolani G., and Tentori K.

A unified model of entropy and the value of information [Abstract]

In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, and E.J. Davelaar (eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Cognitive Science Society, Austin (TX), 2017 (pp. 1459-1460)


Crupi V.

Generalized confirmation and relevance measures

In M. Massimi, J.-W. Romeijn, and G. Schurz (eds.), EPSA15 Selected Papers, Springer, 2017 (pp. 285-296)


Crupi V. and Tentori K.

Confirmation theory

In A. Hájek and C. Hitchcock (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Probability, Oxford University Press, 2016 (pp. 650-665)


Crupi V.

Razionalità, ragionamento e cognizione

In M. Dell’Utri and A. Rainone (eds.), I modi della razionalità, Mimesis, 2016 (pp. 81-98)


Crupi V. and Tentori K.

Noisy probability judgment, the conjunction fallacy, and rationality: Comment on Costello and Watts (2014)

Psychological Review, 123 (2016): 97-10


Tentori K. Chater N., and Crupi V.

Judging the probability of hypotheses versus the impact of evidence: Which form of inductive inference is more accurate and time-consistent?

Cognitive Science, 40 (2016): 758-77


Crupi V.

Inductive logic

Journal of Philosophical Logic, 44 (2016) (The Fortieth Anniversary Issue): 641-650


Elia F., Aprà F., Verhovez A., and Crupi V.

“First, know thyself”: Cognition and error in medicine

Acta diabetologica, 53 (2016): 169-175


Cevolani G. and Crupi V.

Subtleties of naïve reasoning: Probability, Confirmation, and Verisimilitude in the Linda paradox

In M. Bianca and P. Piccari (eds.), Epistemology of Ordinary Knowledge, Cambridge Scholars, 2015 (pp. 211-230)


Crupi V. and Tentori K.

Measuring information and confirmation

Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 47 (2014): 81-90


Crupi V. and Girotto V.

From is to ought, and back: How normative concerns foster progress in reasoning research

Frontiers in Psychology, 5 (2014), 219: 1-3


Interview with Vincenzo Crupi

The Reasoner, 7 (10), (2013): 115-117


Crupi V.,


In E.N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (first published Summer 2013)


Crupi V. and Tentori K.

Confirmation as partial entailment: A representation theorem in inductive logic

Journal of Applied Logic, 11 (2013): 364-372

[Erratum in Journal of Applied Logic, 12 (2014): 230-231]


Tentori K. and Crupi V.

Why quantum probability does not explain the conjunction fallacy

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (2013): 308-310


Tentori K., Crupi V., and Russo S.

On the determinants of the conjunction fallacy: Probability vs. inductive confirmation

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142 (2013): 235-255


Crupi V., Chater N., and Tentori K.

New axioms for probability and likelihood ratio measures

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 64 (2013): 189-204


Crupi V. and Tentori K.

Il ragionamento induttivo

In V. Girotto (ed.), Introduzione alla psicologia del ragionamento, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013 (pp. 13-40)


Zhao J., Crupi V., Tentori K., Fitelson B., and Osherson D.

Updating: Learning vs. supposing

Cognition, 124 (2012): 373-378


Crupi V. and Tentori K.

A second look at the logic of explanatory power (with two novel representation theorems)

Philosophy of Science, 79 (2012): 365-385


Crupi V.

An argument for not equating confirmation and explanatory power

The Reasoner, 6 (3) (2012): 39-40 [Erratum in The Reasoner, 6 (4) (2012): 68]


Cevolani G., Crupi V., and Festa R.

A verisimilitudinarian analysis of the Linda paradox

In C. Martínez Vidal, J.L. Falguera, J.M. Sagüillo, V.M. Verdejo, and M. Pereira-Fariña (eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science in Spain, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2012 (pp. 366-372)


Dumas F., Gonzalez M., Girotto V., Pascal C., Botton J.-F., and Crupi V.

The context of available options affects healthcare decisions: A generalization study

Medical Decision Making, 32 (2012): 815-819


Tentori K. and Crupi V.

On the conjunction fallacy and the meaning of and, yet again: A reply to Herwig, Benz, and Krauss (2008)

Cognition, 122 (2012): 123-134


Tentori K. and Crupi V.

How the conjunction fallacy is tied to probabilistic confirmation: Some remarks on Schupbach (2009)

Synthese, 184 (2012): 3-12


Cevolani G., Crupi V., and Festa R.

Verisimilitude and belief change for conjunctive theories

Erkenntnis, 75 (2011): 183-202


Gli errori cognitivi in medicina (Interview)

Medical Humanities, 5 (17), (2011): 101-105


Crupi V. and Tentori K.

Irrelevant conjunction: Statement and solution of a new paradox

Philosophy of Science, 77 (2010): 1-13


Crupi V., Festa R., and Buttasi C.

Towards a grammar of Bayesian confirmation

In M. Suárez, M. Dorato, and M. Rèdei (eds.), Epistemology and Methodology of Science, Springer, Berlin, 2010 (pp. 73-93)


Crupi V. and Hartmann S.

Formal and empirical methods in philosophy of science

In F. Stadler (ed.), The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science, Springer, Berlin, 2010 (pp. 87-98)


Tentori K., Crupi V., and Osherson D.

Second-order probability affects hypothesis confirmation

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17 (2010): 129-134


Mastropasqua T., Crupi V., and Tentori K.

Broadening the study of inductive reasoning: Confirmation judgments with uncertain evidence

Memory & Cognition, 38 (2010): 941-950


Cevolani G., Crupi V., and Festa R.

The whole truth about Linda: Probability, verisimilitude, and a paradox of conjunction

In M. D’Agostino, G. Giorello, F. Laudisa, T. Pievani, and C. Sinigaglia (eds.), New Trends in Logic and Philosophy of Science, College, London, 2010 (pp. 603-615)


Festa R., Crupi V., and Giaretta P.

Forme di ragionamento e valutazione delle ipotesi nelle scienze mediche

In A. Pagnini (ed.), Filosofia della medicina, Carocci, Roma, 2010 (pp. 117-140)


Crupi V. and Festa R.

La decisione nella medicina clinica

In A. Pagnini (ed.), Filosofia della medicina, Carocci, Roma, 2010 (pp. 289-311)


Crupi V., Tentori K., and Lombardi L.

Pseudodiagnosticity revisited

Psychological Review, 116 (2009): 971-985


Festa R., Buttasi C., and Crupi V.

Evidenza incerta e probabilità delle diagnosi: estensioni dell’approccio bayesiano alla pratica clinica

In P. Giaretta, A. Moretto, G.F. Gensini, and M. Trabucchi (eds.), Filosofia della medicina, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2009 (pp. 565-609)


Festa R., Crupi V., and Giaretta P.

Deduzione, induzione e abduzione nelle scienze mediche

Logic and Philosophy of Science, 7 (2009): 41-68


Crupi V. and Festa R.

Dai giochi d’azzardo ai test diagnostici: la teoria della decisione nella medicina clinica

Logic and Philosophy of Science, 7 (2009): 69-94


Crupi V.

Recensione di G. Vattimo, Addio alla verità

Iride, 22 (2009): 492-494


Crupi V., Fitelson B., and Tentori K.

Probability, confirmation, and the conjunction fallacy

Thinking and Reasoning, 14 (2008): 182-199


Crupi V., Festa R., and Mastropasqua T.

Bayesian confirmation by uncertain evidence: A reply to Huber (2005)

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 59 (2008): 201-211


Crupi V.

Errore, decisione e razionalità in medicina

L’Arco di Giano, 55 (2008): 29-41


Crupi V.

Dal linguaggio al dialogo: due ipotesi sull’interpretazione

Trópos (numero speciale) (2008): 39-54


Crupi V., Tentori K., and Gonzalez M.

On Bayesian measures of evidential support: Theoretical and empirical issues

Philosophy of Science, 74 (2007): 229-252


Tentori K., Crupi V., Bonini N., and Osherson D.

Comparison of confirmation measures

Cognition, 103 (2007): 107-119


Tentori K., Crupi V., and Osherson D.

Determinants of confirmation

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14 (2007): 877-883


Crupi V.

The sink and the murder scene: Rise and fall of a causal model in AIDS pathogenesis

Logic and Philosophy of Science, 5 (2007): 9-32


Crupi V.

I processi decisionali in contesti di emergenza e urgenza

In G. Trabucco and F. Buonocore (eds.), Pronto soccorso. Triage, Libreria Cortina, Verona,  2007 (pp. 89-101)


Crupi V., Gensini G.F., and Motterlini M. (eds.)

La dimensione cognitiva dell’errore in medicina

Franco Angeli, Milano, 2006


Motterlini M. and Crupi V.

Decisioni mediche. Un punto di vista cognitivo

Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2005


Crupi V.

Aspetti cognitivi della razionalità medica: dall’evidenza alla decisione

Nuova civiltà delle macchine, 23 (4) (2005): 59-68